fade to black

Sunday, October 09, 2005

she actually thinks i m going to pay her.

what a joke. monopoly money is expensive.

someone likes my blog. i think i've got aanother fan. wheee..

random news: i saw this cute girl at parkway. i think i will go stalk her. muahahaha.

exams are over and i m bored to tears.


God of War. two days of intensive slashing and its still not over.

"The Oracle revealed that the only way to kill a god was to use the legendary Pandora's Box Athena told him how to reach Pandora's Temple, which was built into the side of a great mountain, which itself is chained on to the back of the last Titan, Kronos. Kronos was ordered by Zeus to carry the mountain on his back through the Desert of Lost Souls until the whipping sands tore the flesh from his body."