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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

its a wet wet day.

the gym floor is hard. i can tell you that. spasms in my thighs are not helping. i keep thinking i received a msg.


i shall now gloat at the news of this china guy felling to his death. not too humane but i just cant stand these commies. i dont knw why. they just bug me. its like hitler and the jews. anti-semitism. i m like anti-communism or smth. theres something really really wrong with me. but oh well.

it seems that this commie guy was too excited playing the guitar and he did a cartwheel out of his 3rd story hostel room. mean how high can you get. he was probably sniffing glue or smth. people think its a great loss. he hasnt even started studying. the way i see it, theres no loss. there are too many of them anyway. but my condelences to his family all the same.

its tough being mean and nice at the same time. its like crossing gargamel and smurfette. yuck.

anyway. dexter reminded me that my dislike/vile hatred for the commies is reflected in our past.

in his words. 50 yrs ago. the mats(malays in general. i dont think they had mats in those times) were probably saying the same things about yr grandparents.

note that there is no racial bigotry here. i m not promoting racial disorder or whatever you may term it. sorry orange.