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Sunday, March 26, 2006

i wish for once, someone would call me 'sir' without adding 'you are making a scene'.

after a whole week of src tournament. we wounded up making the biggest screw up of our life losing to nj. at least its a wake up call for us. playing jj on wed. all i've got is tmr to train up my batting and try to get off the bench. or i might end up like the movie title. the benchwarmers.

coach albert is really one of the best coaches around. recept. just train hard. aim for top four. anything else is a bonus.

anything else is a bonus. indeed. maybe all this while, all my life and maybe some of yrs. we have been trying too hard to achieve those impossible goals we have in life. set by ourselves, by our parents or by society. but if you take a step back and see things. we might awaken to all the unnecessary pressure we give ourselves.

enough bullshit. back to writing that econs essay. another step to my econ's A. i hope.


there is a chink in the armour like gabriel says. there are always weakness in everything, no matter how strong they are. its like how diamonds can cut glass but laser which cuts diamonds, cant cut glass. "to knw the wonderful science behind all this. google it. to just knw the simple logic i knw. ask me."

the only flaw to that theory is that some have more strengths. some have even more strengths.. and some dont have any to begin with(not true if you think about it.)