fade to black

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

it's flat water. wheres the thrill in that.

i wish people would stop telling me to join kayaking since i am so into it. it's time-energy consuming plus a guarantee lose despite tough trainings. and all you need is to knw how to paddle forward. alright. i agree theres the part where you need skill to stay in the k. i rather be an instructor and learn playboating. haha. useful for kayak polo.


i signed up for swimming. what the fuck made me do that. the plan, samuel, was to go up to them and ask whether i learn how to swim there. why the hell did you sign up. i am screwed. nvm. i'll go down for a training and see if its fun. maybe the sight of a chick in swimsuit can persuade me not to quit, yet.

i am one cheeky little fellow. anyway. i got the stupid afro man tee. looks stupid and is already dirty. skipped the whole orientation today. played tennis instead. damn slack the ogls.. haha. got all the buddies in vj. no sweat. though i do miss sa. tania misses it too. lets hope she doesnt break down. she looks like she might.

i officially hate pe dept.

havent even learn a single mass dance. but hte gd thing about being from vs is that by simply changing vs for vj. i already know 80% of the cheers. i figured that i will hear the other cheers so often i wouldnt want to start too early.


did i remember to mention joyce is cute.