fade to black

Sunday, January 01, 2006

we lust for the things we cant seem to grasp.

i dont knw if this happens to all of us in general or just me. we dont seem to treasure what we have and constantly desired not what we do not have. but more, what others have but we do not. we often dream about his new computer or his girlfriend. and we put our focus on how great it would be to be in his shoes. this often leads to us neglecting things and people we already have, or opportunities we could have had.

the sickening thing about life is. after you have failed miserably at trying to achieve what you think was the best for you. be it getting into that guy's gf's pants or chasing that one thing someone else have. after you have failed and you are just broken. you cant achieve what you setted out to achieve. you realize you have been chasing pipe dreams all this time. it is always at that very moment that life slaps you back into reality, that you realise what you actually had and possessed. all the opportunities at yr fingertips. just passed you by, and they are not coming back. or maybe to someone else who actually grab the opportunity when it knocks.

the irony in life then sets in. after lots of thinking. alot of complaining. griping. drinking. hangovers. you finally realised where the problem in life lies. it is you yourself all along. you could kick yrself in the butt for not realising until it's too late. too late. the echoes of angels they wont return.

flaw in human nature or plain stupidity?

samuel has been captured by aliens. happy new year.