fade to black

Thursday, April 07, 2005


the thrill of going to obs has seem to died down. and i feel kind of dumb spending so much cash. sigh. the things i do.

anyway. i've got to pack for the camp, and wont be back till sun. my dad is rather pissed now. firstly i did not apply for leave in sch. you dont knw the story. try telling my teacher you want to apply leave from school for fun. she's an old grouch. she'll say no and screw me when i get back.. i can imagine it already..

her: i told you you are to come to school on fri. where were you. come see the principal with me..

something like that. you get the point. then he is pissed that i am not gg to sch like i said i would cause i have to be there at 9..which means i can leave after assembly. and i dont have a permit to leave. save the trouble. gain some slp. and some scolding.


ever noticed how slp and getting scolded have seem to become proportionate to each other. but what the heck.
A53 is a fun bunch. have i said it? i m starting to hate my class. i dont think they like me or jonathan much. i mean there are nice people in class but as a whole, we cant help but feel left out of their activities. we dont give much of a fuck now. we are dying with catching up already.

i think i shall hang ard A53 more. fun people. they are much more friendly than S42. who needs them anyway. damn it. apparently they are ostracizing jonathan cause he ACCIDENTALLY hit yu sian in the nose with a volleyball. you try playing the damn game. now the despondent fellow is never going to touch the sport ever again. he says he'll rather run. madness. i m out of here. its one fucked up day.